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Hi, I'm Dustin Chang

A Computer Science student from UCSD

Who Am I?

I'm currently an undergraduate attending the University of California San Diego, pursuing a bachelor's degree in computer science, with an expected graduation date by 2025.

My Goals and Interests

Back in 2016, I picked up an interest in game design, and tried creating my own games on a children's gaming platform called Roblox. In doing so, I stumbled into game development, and gained a passion for making my own games. Although my games never gained traction, my interests in coding have only grown, and, since recently, I've built my own app on the Microsoft App Store.

My main goal is to continue learning new programming languages and widen my skillset as a programmer, in order to develop apps and software that I can only dream of.

When I'm not creating or programming, I like to revisit my past and experience what the newer generation of games Roblox has to offer, with the hopes of one day creating something as successful and entertaining, whether its on-platform or off.

GitHub Profile Picture
My GitHub Profile Picture